The Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Seminar at Univeristy of Texas, Houston Medical School meets every Tuesday, 4:00pm, in the seventh floor conference room 7.046.

Graduates should register to this as a course: GS 140111

We present and discuss recent developments in computational neuroscience, attempting a thorough understanding of the material as well as a wide view of the current literature.

Would you like to join? Please see our schedule and show up to our next meeting.

Like to be on the email list? Send a request to Harel Shouval: [email protected]

Fall 2010 SCHEDULE
9/7 Michael Beauchamp

Stimulus onset quenches neural variability:
a widespread cortical phenomenon
, Churchland et al (2009)

9/14 Dimitry Yatsenko Sensory input drives multiple intracellular information streams in somatosensory cortex. A. Alenda, M. Molano-Mazón, S. Panzeri, and M. Maravall. (2010)
9/21 Raymond Chan

Bayesian inference for generalized linear models for spiking neurons Sebastian Gerwinn, Jakob H. Macke and Matthias Bethge (2010)

9/28 Manivannan Subramaniyan

Differences in Gamma Frequencies across Visual
Cortex Restrict Their Possible Use in Computation
Ray and Maunsell (2010)

10/5 Patrick Storer

Dendritic Spikes Amplify the Synaptic Signal to Enhance Detection of Motion in a Simulation of the Direction-Selective Ganglion Cell Schachter et al (2010)

10/12 James Hannah One Rule to Grow Them All: A General Theory of
Neuronal Branching and Its Practical Application

Cuntz et al (2010)
10/19 Katie Ward Predicting synchronous and asynchronous network groupings
of hippocampal interneurons coupled with dendritic gap junctions
Zahid and Skinner (2009)
10/26 Cyrus Eirud Support vector machines for temporal classification of block design
fMRI data
Stephen LaConte
11/2 Kreso Josic Decision Confidence and Uncertainty in Diffusion Models
with Partially Correlated Neuronal Integrators

Rub´en Moreno-Bote
11/9 Steve Cox

Intrinsic dendritic filtering gives low-pass power spectra
of local field potentials
H. Lindén et al 2010

11/16 Soc. Neurosci.  
11/23 Sarah Baum Modeling GABA Alterations in Schizophrenia: A Link Between Impaired Inhibition and Altered Gamma and Beta Range Auditory Entrainment D. Vierling-Claassen
11/30 Mircia Chelaru A biologically plausible model of time-scale invariant interval timing Rita Almeida · Anders Ledberg
12/7 Wei Ji Ma Sensitivity to perturbations in vivo implies high noise
and suggests rate coding in cortex
London et al (2010) Supplemental
12/14 Yili Zhang Systematic Quantification of Negative Feedback Mechanisms
in the Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase (ERK) Signaling
M. Cirit (2010)

Related Links:

1. List of Theoretical and Computational Talks in the Houston area

2. Archive of recent interesting theoretical papers

3. UTH Seminars

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Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy | UT-Houston Medical School
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